Hello there, beautiful souls!
I hope you are all well and are staying safe at home!
With the recent events about corona virus, which came at an unexpected time, I am now split in between working from home, going to the office occasionally and trying to get my life together overall… Ugh.. too many things happening all at once… However, this made me realize how important is to have a so-called “on point organization” so that you can deal with all of it. I wanted to share some of the tips which work for me during this time. 😄
To Do Lists
I must admit that I was never a huge fan of to do lists… I used to write them, but somehow I always ended up not following them… Slowly, but surely, I am getting back into the habit of writing down my goals for the day and what I need to get done, so I can be efficient and work smarter. This also helps me, since I keep on forgetting things. 😅 It’s a small step, but it makes such a huge difference. I promise you! This goes a long way and it has shown me how productive I can be in a day with all the tasks I want and have to do.
Just get into the habit of writing what you need to do for the day every morning, before getting ready. If you feel like it’s too much, you can start with a weekly list or you can write down small things such as “drink 5 glasses of water”. 📝
Clean workspace
Whether you are sitting at your desk or in your room, make sure you keep your work space clean! I know it may sound silly, but you would be surprised what cleaning on a regular basis can do. For example, I love keeping my desk as clean and as organized as possible, having just my agenda around for when I get creative ideas and other cute stationery I need. To this you may add that from time to time I have a cup of tea, coffee or just water (we gotta stay hydrated). With this being said, when you eliminate these sources of distraction, you may find it rather easier to focus on what you need to get done. For me it works since I get easily distracted. 🙃
Use apps and deadlines
Besides writing down into my planner and notes, I have to be digital a little bit too. Since my phone is always with me, I have some apps which help me keep track of my appointments and what needs to be done on time. Google Calendar, as well as Notes help me a lot.
About deadlines… They involve time management and I must say that I am not the best when it comes to it. Buuuut, in my defence I am trying to manage my time in such a manner, that I become more productive… It’s a constant work in progress, but deadlines are important to have, since they can definitely influence the level of productivity.
Trick: Set rewards for the moments when you reach the deadlines. This will make you much more determined to get things done. 😊
I hope you find these 3 tips helpful. I know they may be obvious, but they can be your small start towards improving your organizing skills. Let me know in the comments what other tips you are using for organizing your time and work. I would love to know them.
See you soon with a new post! ❤️