Advice & Stories

How to stay motivated

Hello there! πŸ˜„

Sometimes, it gets very difficult to keep being motivated, whether it comes to school, work, or even your dreams. And it’s even more difficult in this quarantine we are all experiencing… I even found myself lacking motivation to do anything in the past few weeks. But… we must change that and in my journey to self-motivation, I have found some useful tips so that we keep our focus, and achieve everything we have in our mind.

Have “To Do” Lists

Just as I was saying in my last post about my tips and tricks for a better organization, in some cases, having a list in front of you will help you get more organized, but at the same time motivated to actually do the things you need to get done, and work smarter. Also, make sure you set realistic and achievable goals, so you won’t end up being disappointed if you don’t accomplish them. Been there, done that- the feeling is not nice at all… 😞

Start with small steps

Just start by doing things that require a small to minimum difficulty, because you will be less likely to give up and your motivation when you achieve these goals will not decrease so easily than when you were to be working on more complex things. I had to learn this lesson the hard way… and I would almost always give up, since I never understood that I need to allow myself to be a beginner and start with those things which were easier.

Motivation Board and Reminders

Have your favorite quotes printed out or photos and just hang them somewhere you can see them all the time and remind you your goals and dreams=> create a motivation board. Seeing them daily is proved to be very efficient.

Also, your phone has memos and you can can use them as reminders for your goals: change your wallpaper, set alarms, get apps that help you with your goals and just go andΒ  accomplish them. πŸ˜ƒ

Daily physical activity

You’d be surprised how much a simple workout session could help you get motivation! I never thought it could help me as much as it did!Β  At the same time, it will get you to escape the lazy estate you get caught up in (I must admit that I am guilty about this as well). But… we all have to start from somewhere. πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Strategies and Help

This last tip is even recommended by Forbes, and probably it’s the most important one. You must establish a strategy in order to achieve all your goals. And what I strongly advice you is that (and I’m saying this from my own experience) if you fail with the first time, don’t give up!Β  I know failing doesn’t bring great feelings, and it leaves you with no desire to try again, but you can always find other ways to solve a problem. 🀞🏻

On the other hand, don’t be afraid to ask for help or opinions. Your family and friends can offer great support!

I hope you found this helpful and please share it so others can see it as well! Wishing you a great day and best of luck in keeping your motivation at high stakes! πŸ™‚

See you soon! And stay safe!Β 

All love,Β 

M πŸ’žΒ 

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