Merry Christmas!
This officially marks the last day of Blogmas and I couldn’t be happier that I accepted this challenge to end the year with! It was such a roller-coaster, and I was actually a bit behind, but don’t worry because I got this and the days missing will be posted as promised. 🤞
I have often mentioned throughout my articles that Christmas is not about receiving and giving gifts and it is so much more than that.
It has not been an easy year, not at all, but we have to practice gratitude. I, myself, am guilty of looking at things happening and reacting to them, rather than having a processing system. For instance, there may be situations when we lack something or when we compare to someone else even if our journeys are absolutely different, and we have to train our minds to also see the good of what we already have. It is difficult… but practicing mindfulness and gratitude can bring such long term benefits. ☺
This Christmas is different for me, it really feels this way, and it might be perceived as such in the light of some recent events that I went through, but… this is as well the day when I am feeling the most grateful I think I have ever been. I am grateful for the family and friends that surround me and support me, text and call me. Also, I am thankful for you, yep you… the one reading this article right now as well as the other articles and feeling a little inspired by them, taking a piece of my thoughts with you. 🤗
At the same time, I am thankful for the things I have achieved so far, for the love I found and that fuels and encourages me to keep going daily just through a “good morning” message. I am grateful for the snow that I got to play with, for the Christmas tree I get to do with my mom and dad, for the simple phone calls I can do that make me day a little bit better. I am even grateful for the books I choose and get to read. See… being grateful it’s easy, but we just tend to forget about those simple little things and gestures when we do not get it in our way.
Expressing gratitude it’s simple, but it is a process, and if I were to wish you something at the end of the Blogmas series that would be to be more present and grateful for what you do have in your life, because trust me, you can do so much with what you already have. Also, don’t forget to be kind to others, because you don’t know what they might be going through.
Thank you for your constant feedback, all your support and love for this initiative and for every second you have offered me from your daily time to read these articles! Happy Holidays and may they be just exactly as you wish!