Hello my beautiful friends! I hope this post finds you well. Right now, I am drowning in exams and this week has knocked me out. Also, with the exams and the deadlines so close to me, I am wondering how my skin is coping. But let’s not allow some temporary events take us down! In today’s article I will discuss a little bit about Rilastil and their products.
“Who is Rilastil?” you may wonder, just like I did. I heard about it for the first time in a pharmacy and it made me curious. I tried to find more details, because you know my skin is sensitive and my skin was going through a bad phase too so… I was not playing games. On the other hand, I couldn’t find much about them, so I knew I had to test their products and write this article.
Rilastil is an Italian brand which has recently entered the Romanian market. During the last months, my skin had some issues and I had some breakouts. After doing a little bit of research I decided to try their products to see if they would help me and do any good. I mean their products must be good if they can be found in a pharmacy, right?
Rilastil Daily Care Micellar Solution
A good micellar water is extremely important for skincare and I learned that myself. I must say this micellar solution impressed me and it was beyond my expectations. I underestimated it before even trying it. It really removes the make-up effortlessly and it leaves your skin fresh. It does not leave a sticky feeling afterwards too. I don’t need to extra wash my face. Something which I loved that it has no scent at all.
The solution says it can be used for removing face-eye make-up, while having a delicate formula, and it is for sensitive skin. It contains 250 ml (8.45 fl.oz.). Rilastil also claims that is was designed to minimize the risk of allergy. It became my favourite make-up remover and it also helped my skin. It is a really good product. I love it and I am already on the second one. It really improved the aspect of my skin.
Rilastil Acnestil Cream
This cream was designed for acne-prone and mixed/oily skin. It has a sebum normalizing, soothing, mattifying action and it reduces and prevents the imperfections of impure skin. Acnestil is an antimicrobial that helps to control the growth of microorganisms on the skin. I would say that I did notice it was helpful in controlling the sebum, and it definitely did not keep under control the appearance of acne. A downside for me was also the smell- it has a bad scent, which I do not like, and somehow the good part is that you don’t feel it too strong. But still, my skin looked awful and just a mess overall.
A very weird thing about this cream is that after I apply it, in a matter of minutes, it will form crumbles and you will have to take it off. Even if they claim that it can be used as a make-up base, it actually can’t- it will start to pick on certain areas on the face. The cream also contains Panthenol, Ceramides and Hyaluronic Acid with moisturizing action. It does have a little moisturizing effect, but not too much. I still felt my skin dehydrated. All in all, this cream did not work for me and I don’t recommend it. I applied it both in the morning and evening and it did not do much. It was a little disappointing and I had hopes. Oh well, story of my life I guess.
I would like to try some of their other creams in hopes that maybe one will work for me, taking into account that Rilastil is considered a premium brand. On the other hand, the micellar solution is one of the best I have tried and it surpassed Garnier’s micellar cleansing water and it became a fav.
Hope you found this article helpful. 🙂 If you tried any of Rilastil products, let me know your thoughts. I wish you an amazing week!
Foarte faina postarea! Spor la examene!!
Multu mult! Sa avem cu totii spor! 🙂
Cea mai proasta crema antiacneica pe care am încercat-o este rilastil acnestil, in afara de faptul ca am 3 saptamani de cand o folosesc si nu exista nici un fel de ameliorare, lasa senzatia de piele grasa, incarcata, efectiv o simt pe fata și imi da o senzație de disconfort, precizez ca nu sufar de acnee severa doar cosuri foarte foarte mici care imi apar in general dimineața, apoi raman ca niste pete rosii pana la vindecare. Chiar pot spune ca mi a agravat situatia,dimineata ma trezesc cu pielea foarte uleioasa ceea ce nu ar trebui sa se întâmple dupa cum promite aceasta crema (reglarea secreției de subum) prefer de 1000 de ori crema gel de la gerovital anti acnee si mult mai buna la pret.
Da, din pacate a fost un fail total pentru mine crema asta… Chiar m-a dezamagit. La fel ca si in cazul descris de tine, lasa pielea foarte incarcata si nu regleaza deloc secretia de sebum. Ma bucur ca ai gasit o alternativa mai buna in crema de la Gerovital. Am auzit de ea numai lucruri bune si ma gandesc serios sa o incerc.
Multumesc pentru ca ne-ai impartasit experienta ta cu aceasta crema! 🙂