That time of the year again… And above all, it should be filled with joy and wonderful moments. But, for those who go into the holidays already stressed out, it can pile off in a blink of an eye. While your to-do list is quickly getting longer, you might want to add to it: Christmas shopping, parties, guests coming over, cooking and baking, gift giving. It can get a bit stressful, but here are some things you can do so that you keep your holiday spirit alive and thriving.
Don't make promises you cannot keep
I know this one is especially difficult and I have been there, but trust me when I say you shouldn’t overcommit yourself if you know you won’t be able to make it. It’s important during the holidays to have a little bit of time scheduled for yourself as well. There are only so many things you can do and lots of events you can attend, so this is why you should keep in mind relaxing should be among your priorities. Plus, in this way you won’t let anyone down, while still nurturing your relationships, and focusing on your needs.
Plan ahead
Take it for me: preparing for the holiday time can be really exhausting, but it is definitely worth it. With this in mind, start working on lists for gift-giving, Christmas menus, shopping lists, drinks, guest lists, and events you’re attending. Once you have everything written down, you will see all makes sense and there is no need to overstress or overthink. This will most likely help you go for the targeted gifts and will help with your time management. You can find some ideas in this article.
Ask for help
These times are hectic, so my advice would be to ask for help when you feel things get too much. We are all human and unfortunately, we don’t have superpowers, so it’s understandable when you need to delegate. Doing everything by yourself it’s the shortest way to burnout. You can reach out to your family and friends and I am sure they will be more than happy to give you a hand and pick up something from the store for you, help you organize the gathering/party, or just simply be there for you.
Prioritize your priorities
We all want to do so many things, but time is limited. Looking back on the previous points, you now know why prioritizing is needed. You really need to analyze what is most important for you and keep that in mind throughout the countdown for the holidays. These priorities will help you feel so much more aligned with who you are and your wants and needs.
Don't forget to rest
Sleep is and should be on your list of priorities as well because this is where our energy comes from. Even though it is tempting, don’t allow the craziness of the moments to sacrifice your sleep! In fact, if you plan to have that priorities list done, sleep should be on top of it. Here is your reminder, in case you needed it! Allow yourself to restore and combat fatigue.
So what I was basically trying to say is that you should slow down, even though there are some crazy moments during these times. Take in all the wonderful times and memories and make sure to relax and share quality time with family and friends, following all the traditions. Happy Holidays! 🎄🎅