Hey there! I hope you had an amazing Christmas and you enjoyed your holidays to the fullest. 🙂Â
As we are slowly approaching the end of the year, I think it is important for us to look over to the past twelve months and see what we achieved and what we can improve. I consider it is crucial to look back at everything I did, not only to congrats myself for making it through, but also to notice the lessons I have learned. The end of the year always brings me a bitter sweet feeling.Â
- Time management
If anything, one thing I have learned this year is that I suck at managing my time. In the first months of the year it seemed to me that I can properly appreciate and manage my time, but then I slowly fell into a chaotic state, where I barely found time for myself. At some point, I was finding myself running from one place to another, trying to make it there on time. Now by analyzing, it seems to me that I have yet so much to learn and I need to find a balance. I must start to value time more, because lost time cannot be taken back and running from one place to another trying to make it there on time won’t be a solution anymore.
2. I am human
Well… it may sound silly, but I am human. I learned that I cannot give my best performance with 5 or 6 hours of sleep/night and I’m most certainly not able to skip steps which must be taken. Also, I learned that I can get ill at the least expected time and that I need to put myself first and take a step back when it is the case. Â
3. Comfort zone
A great quote says: “Life begins at the end of the comfort zone.” This statement can’t be any truer. This year I have gained such amazing experiences and memories and it all started when I finally had the courage to turn my plans into action . It all depends on removing the barriers which you have established in your mind, because you are always able to do much more than you actually think you can. It takes courage… courage to actually start.Â
4. Value moments
One of the most important things which I have learned is to value the moments in your life! We often get so caught up in the worries and planning the future that we forget to live in the present and cherishing it. The moment I realized this, it was life changing for me, especially because I was so used to think about the future. We need to learn to be more present, because we never know what time has prepared for us!Â
5. Work life-balance
You never actually realize how important this aspect is until something happens and you fall into an extreme, which usually happens to be work. If you tend to be a workaholic, which I am, don’t forget to take some time off, for yourself. When I actually realized what I was doing to myself, I had to break this bad habit and find something which would not let me be drained of energy at the end of the day.Â
6. Mind can be your worst enemy
I know it can sound a little bit dramatic, but our minds are such a powerful tool: it can make you feel either like you are on top of the world or under it. You can get a roller coaster of emotions. Your mind can play tricks on you and make you feel like an impostor by creating scenarios which should have not been there in the first place. If you train your mind, then your perspective over life will change. At least, in my case it did… I made peace with myself and I let go of self doubt.Â
7. To be thankful
Above all, one of the best things I have learned is to be thankful! At the same time, I realized that I have so many things for which I have to be thankful. From my family to my friends, my colleagues to my health and things I have accomplished so far. I am blessed enough to have unconditional support and love from all of them. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I don’t have ups and downs… But I can tell you that on my bad days I thought about one single thing which I was thankful for and it is beautiful to actually keep track of them. We take so many things for granted, even having electricity or clean water. Even the most basic things in life which you are so accustomed to, can lift your mood and make you realize how lucky you are. Â
Overall, this year I have proved myself that there is always so much more to achieve and reach for than you think. Last, but not least, I would like to thank all my friends for all the support and for some of the greatest moments of my life! 🙂Â
I want to wish you Happy New Year full of opportunities! What is one thing which you have learned this year?Â
ce ai vrut sa zici la numarul 6?
Ai putea sa ne dai un exemplu?
La punctul 6 ma refeream la faptul ca de multe cand ne dorim sa incepem ceva nou, tindem sa ne subestimam si sa fim “overthinking”, chiar daca este vorba despre o decizie relativ usoara. Un exemplu in cazul meu ar fi chiar si lansarea blog-ului. De mult imi doream sa imi dezvolt pasiunea pentru tot ceea ce inseamna beauty, fashion, dar si sa am un “loc” unde sa imi pot asterne gandurile/experientele. Cum spuneam si in prima postare odata cu lansarea blog-ului, desi am mai mai avut tentative anterioare pentru blogging, nu reuseam sa ma tin de treaba si ma sabotam singura, invocand diverse scuze si motive. Insa, pana la urma am reusit sa imi depasesc gandurile de subestimare si am inceput sa postez. 🙂 Sunt sigura ca fiecare dintre noi a avut un moment in care “our minds played tricks on us” si am renuntat sa facem ceva, doar pentru ca gandurile noastre se roteau in jurul unor consecinte negative. I hope this helped! 🙂
Iti doresc o seara frumoasa!^_^